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“Misery is a side effect of a fear-based life. Success is a side effect of courage.” - Judi Holler

Fear. It is the thing we don’t like to talk about, we are (ironically) afraid to admit, and it is what holds us back from having the greatest life has to offer each of us as individuals.

Fear can permeate anything in our lives. It loves a life of comfort zones and status quos. When we stay in those zones and quos, it’s because we fear the risk.

But life is full of risk. Every day has its risks, even if you stay at home at all times. And fear can overtake your life. Some questions to ask if you aren’t sure if you live in fear are things like:

  • Are you truly living life?

  • Are you growing? In mind, body, or soul?

And everyone’s reasons for fear are different, but they do tend stem from your previous life experiences. So you also need to ask yourself, why do you have fear?

And I hope your next question is- how do you overcome fear?

Do. It. Scared.

Fear can’t stick around when you do the thing you were scared to do. It completely disappears. The only way to overcome fear is to just do it. Take a risk.

Now don’t hear that I am saying do everything under the sun. I am not saying take risks with high probabilities of death. You will (probably) never see me jump out of an airplane.

And if you are unsure of where to start, think of your what-ifs. What-ifs can be amazing. They move us forward in life, as a community, and a society. What-ifs is where change happens.

My only caution would be, to be careful of which what-ifs you hold onto. What-ifs can turn into worry and worry is the root of fear. If your what-if is a negative, boot it the curb. Don’t let it turn around in your mind or take root. It has no place in your life.

Don’t live your life in fear. Take the risk.

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”
- Jack Canfield

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