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Obstacles Deny Dreams

My last installments of the Pivot series I created came out this month. I usually do my blog posts at the beginning of the month, but the last two months have been very hectic. I actually try to batch my blog post writing as well as my video work and my social media.

But you haven't seen me much over the past 6 months. While I made the Pivot series back in November of 2020, I haven't created much since. Because while I was making those videos, I was also going through some mindset changes myself. I knew bigger changes were ahead. I knew 2021 was going to be a year that my life would pivot. I didn't know exactly how, I just knew when. And while some of those changes are taking place now, my pivot is not done. There are pieces of the puzzle I have yet to see or put in place.

I know this sounds vague, but I want to share the story as a whole picture. I want to show how things come together in such precise ways and why it happens that way. So until then, I want to talk more about part of the struggle with change: obstacles.

I have to move apartments. I knew last summer that I was going to have to move. I figured I would find a place quickly since I have done my share of apartment hunting before and I thought I had gotten pretty good. Brick. Wall. Full stop. Couldn't find anything. Now, some of you may have never lived in an apartment, so let me explain something about the end of your lease. Even though you have a final date that your lease ends, within that lease is a 60 day notice clause. You must give 60 days notice that you are leaving- even if it just at the end of your lease. So that's two months that you have left to get yourself in order and moved once you give that notice.

8 weeks.

Can I explain the pressure of having only 8 weeks to find a new home, pack all you own, and deal with the logistics of moving it all? It's a lot. Especially when you can't find a new home immediately! Yet I KNEW, I just knew I was supposed to move. But I couldn't help second guessing myself. "Maybe I can just sign on for another 3 months or something..." played in my head. And that is when I realized my own patterns of thought. I realized why I am not where I want to be now when I could have been there years ago.

I play it safe.

I don't mind taking small chances, but I don't like taking big leaps without a peace or comfort of knowing I am safe. But here and now I realized I will never fulfill any dreams if I play it safe. I have to overcome the obstacles that seem too hard. I can't turn around just because something isn't working out.

It's now or never.

You will have to get creative. You will have to take what looks like a mountain of a problem and attack it in small bites. You will have to stand up to the obstacle and not back down.

But you cannot turn away.

Once you do that, you have delayed or possibly denied yourself the dreams you have. Playing safe is easier, I grant you that. But, when you have ever had a large success by playing it safe? Can you think of the greatest moments of your life and say that was when you were playing it safe? Do you have great moments or small celebrations?

I charge you with this challenge. Pick something you have often returned to, but never successfully completed. Finish it. No matter how much time it takes, finish it. Didn't finish school? Go back to college. Didn't apply for that job you wanted because you thought you weren't qualified? Put in that application.

Don't let the obstacles in your life keep you from realizing your ultimate dreams.

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