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Keeping the Faith

How many times have you begun a goal and abandoned it before you were able to achieve it? I know I have too many times to count! But when I reflect back on why I gave up each time, it almost always is because things got tough. When I hit roadblocks, I might try to push through the first one or two, but then I would convince myself it just wasn't meant to be or this wasn't the right time. Have you done this too?

I made some big goals and changes over the past 6 months and through all those decisions, I keep coming up to roadblocks. I hit wall after wall. I began to question my sanity. Why did I choose this goal, this change? Where is this going? Where am I going?

At times, I forget my ultimate goals. I forget my why. I forget my motivation. But like anything we commit to: a job, a move, a relationship; we have to keep the faith. You still do have a why. There is purpose in your goals and there is ultimately a better way, a better life on the other side. Commitment is not just made with emotions, but with intention. You have to recommit yourself even when you don't feel like it.

Feelings get in the way of achieving your dreams. They're great motivators and they bring a passion to your projects, but they can easily change. Our feelings sway with the day and the situation. They are not reliable sources of foundation to build upon. That is why your commitment is so important. Commitment is the structure you use to build your dream.

And faith is the foundation you build that structure upon. While as a Christian, my faith is in a higher power, the One who is my Creator and Redeemer; for you, that may be the same and it may not. But keeping a firm foundation of faith is essential to truly realizing success in your goals. Your faith shapes your dreams and will hold you up when you need it.

So keep the faith when it gets tough and you don't see a way to achieve your goals. Keep the faith when you can't remember why you even began. Keep the faith until the end, because it will make one heck of a story.

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