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How to Make Time in Your Life

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Time management is a bad word for many people. I think it’s because of what a struggle it can be for them. Especially if you happen to be a procrastinator! But by creating habits that use time management skills, you will find that you have more free time on your hands to enjoy the things in life you want to and not what just has to be done. Here are my tips and suggestions:

1. Watch for trends to find a process or procedure.

Especially in work, we do some mundane tasks that can be streamlined if you notice a trend and create a process or procedure. For instance, my team reviewed certain files, using a rubric, every year. So, I created a spreadsheet to input our data so we didn’t have to continue doing the calculations by hand. Creating spreadsheets, templates, and checklists are ways to set up a process or procedure to create a routine.

2. Batch the same activity.

If you do the same activity on repeat (possibly daily), consider ways to batch the work. A life example would be meal prep. Making everything you need for the week creates space and time for you the rest of the week to do fun things or just to relax even. Think of what activities you have to do often and batch what you can. It really does condense the time you put forth for the activity!

3. Chunk similar activities.

When you have similar activities that use the same skills, or require the same location, chunking the activities together creates free time as well. For instance, if you have errands to run, planning out a route for it before you leave could save you travel time. We don’t usually drive to the closest place then further away and then back again to same area for errands. Or you don’t pick up your cold and frozen foods before you run other errands, leaving them in the hot car. What other activities are similar and can be chunked together to save you time and effort?

4. To-do lists are a must.

Creating to-do lists give you a sense of accomplishment. It gives you the impetus to keep moving and feeling like you have achieved something. By creating to-do lists, you ensure that nothing alls through the cracks and everything is completed in a timely manner. Post-its are my friend. I create to-do lists for everything. I usually rank my list as well. For instance, when I write out my cleaning to-dos, I don’t sweep and vacuum before I dust. The order of your to-dos can also streamline your work and make it go quickly.

5. For my visual people- color coordinate.

Color coordination can be a great way to easily view your to-do list, your spreadsheet, your art supplies, whatever! Color coordination means you have organization that you can easily, visually interpret and find a category you are looking for. It can save you time from having to go through multiple tabs of a spreadsheet to find the data you are looking for, or having to dig through tubs of stuff in your closet to find those fall clothes you packed away this past spring.

6. Set a consistent schedule.

By setting a consistent schedule, you have routine. The one schedule I try to keep to for my own sanity are my chores such as cleaning. That to-do list I was talking about? That isn’t a list I use once and discard. I have it memorized. And there are certain tasks I do every week and others I do every other week, or just once a month (like spray for bugs). Keeping to this routine has helped me have a clean home even when life gets crazy. Because it is routine and done at certain times, it doesn’t take me long to finish them. (Although laundry is the bane of my existence and I do admit to procrastinating on that one!)

7. Take breaks.

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but taking breaks, having a day of rest is essential for those who have great time management. You need time to clear your mind and unclutter it from all that happens in the week. Our brains are constantly filtering things in and out of our minds. It needs a rest every once and awhile. I have found that by taking a day and not do any work to-dos, any chores around the house, and just relax, and usually reflect, that my time the rest of the week is better spent. I am more focused and complete my tasks on time or ahead of schedule even. When your mind is clear, you get a lot more done. Now this does not come naturally. Your brain is so used to working overtime, it will feel like you crave work. You might need to start out with a half day and work your way up to a whole day. But what I have found is it is easier to keep a notebook, or pen and pad, and jot down thoughts and ideas that come to you and then put it away until the next day. You won’t be stressed about forgetting that great idea, but action doesn’t have to happen right then and there. It can wait.

8. Be honest with yourself.

You live with yourself 24/7. But how often have you felt that you might not quite know yourself? It is usually when we are not honest with ourselves. You know when you are not going to do laundry tonight because you just don’t feel like it. Admit it to yourself. And while that may be an easier thing to admit to yourself, there are other things in your life that you might not be so honest with yourself about and that is when reflection will come into play.

9. Reflection is key.

This is a tough one, I admit. Spending time in reflection can feel like torture sometimes. But it is crucial- especially in terms of being honest with yourself. You need to reflect on what you have said, what actions you have taken that week, how you felt about some of those. The ones that still sit heavy on your heart or prey on your mind, are the ones you need to reflect on most- to understand how it, or what, could have been done differently. And then let it go.

I know, that is the hardest part. But if you continue to hold onto regrets, you only hold onto the past and that can’t be changed. Reflecting and making a decision on how to better handle a situation like that in the future means the past is over and done with and you have a better strategy in your life than you did before. You can’t move backwards so returning to past problems won’t change your present or future for the good, but it can mean that you miss out on the opportunities of a fulfilling life now.

Time management seems like such a small skill, but it can have great and lasting impacts in your life. It doesn’t mean everything you do is done under the management of your time, but by using time management in the everyday tasks, you create the flexibility to use your time more freely.

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