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Get out of the zone

Comfort zones lull you into complacency. They’re meant to do that. If you are complacent, you are not finding where you can grow. Satan is all for keeping you in your comfort zone. You can’t make noise from your comfort zone. That only happens when there is change afoot. He would really love it if you live your whole life never realizing your full potential.

We like comfort zones because they are safe. People talk about how our brains crave safety because if we don’t feel safe, our fight or flight instincts take over, our adrenaline pumps up. I am not so sure that is our true physical nature, but rather our Pavlov dog response to previous experiences of non-safety and how it made us feel. This is Satan’s doing. He uses feelings like a bell. He brings back that recall of feeling unsafe to keep us scared- to keep us in our comfort zone.

Satan is fencing you in and herding you into complacency. Why? To keep you from God’s purpose for your life. God has great, unimaginable things for you. And they can be scary because they require a lot of faith. They require you to take leaps where there is no safety net, except trust in the Lord.

So how do you overcome your bell response? One try at a time. What is something you have been thinking about doing, but keep coming up with excuses to put it off? No matter what it is, I can guess you’re scared to do it. But is this something that keeps circling back around, even after praying and asking for guidance? Just try it.

Even if it fails spectacularly, you will find it wasn’t as scary as you thought it was. Our minds build up this worry and what-ifisms (yes, that is my new word). That is Satan trying to keep you scared. Do it scared is not just a phrase, it is a call to action, my friend. You will find it not so scary once it’s been done.

And keep going! Keep moving forward to the next step or out of another area in your life you’ve played it safe. Trust in God to be there. For me it is simply three steps:

  1. Identify an area of your life that you feel God is prodding you to change.

  2. Pray about said change, reading scripture, speaking with fellow believers to also pray with you.

  3. Do the thing.

If you continue to sit in your “zone”, you will miss out on the greater things you were made to do and have. Don’t live a life of “what if", live a life of “I did”.

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