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Forming Habits and Establishing Routines

I’ve heard it said it takes 21 days to form a habit, but then again I’ve heard 30 days or more. When I researched it myself, I found that there isn’t a set amount of days, but rather an average of 66 days to create a habit. In the habit tracker you can download below, you have 70 days to document any new habits.

Now this could mean something you do everyday, like drink 8 glasses of water, or something you want to do every other day, like meditate. Yo don’ t have to fill in every box! And it is conveniently set up in rows of 7 days to make it easier to track at a week’s time.

So what are some habits you want to create? Think about how you might want to change your lifestyle or need a habit to accomplish your goals this year or even life-long goals. Use this year to establish your habits that will make life-long impact for you.

Another component that will help you with forming habits is establishing routines. Routines help us to remember our habits! You should brainstorm your current routines and then we can dig into how to update your routines to help form new habits.

The first thing to do is brainstorm your daily routines: morning, afternoon, evening and nighttime. What do you do when you get up in the morning? What does your day look like? How do you end your day? Write these down and then ask yourself these questions:

Do you see items that may hinder your ability to form a new habit?

What are routines you need to add?

When would those new routines be most impactful?

Once you have these new habits identified and routines determined, you can begin to put them into action! If you miss a day or your day goes not as planned, it is okay. That is life! There will be the unexpected, but giving up is why habits don’t stick and routines don’t stay established and we fall back into our old ways. You need to shake it off and start again the next day. Recommit yourself to the process each day and you can make it happen!

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