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Don't Give Up Before You Finish

Are you someone who starts projects and usually doesn’t finish them? I know I am. Projects, goals, any number of things I have begun and haven’t finished. And over the years I have discovered a pattern. That by not completing the goal or project, I missed out on greater opportunities.

Now it’s not that I will never be able to obtain these opportunities- just not earlier in my life when it could have meant a completely different life experience. And there is a little regret in that. Those “what if” moments. And you may have had those moments, those feelings of regret as well.

This post isn’t about sitting in those feelings and reflecting on them. This is now the time to shed those things. Shake it off and acknowledge that you still have opportunities ahead of you. Don’t look behind to what could have been. It will never change. Instead, look forward to what might still be.

What do you envision?

What would you need to do to make that happen?

Go do it.

Not sure where to start? Think back to last thing you started and didn’t complete. Go do that first. And while you work on that, other projects and goals may come to mind, you may reject some of them as foolish ideas, or just not what you truly want to do upon reflection. But others might stick around in your mind. Write those down. Keep a running a list. Then you can prioritize and edit your list.

And how would you edit your list? By deciding what your ultimate goal is. Is there a theme or common thread to your projects or previous goals? What keeps you up at night thinking? What do you daydream about? Once you have your ultimate goal, you can comb through the list and make a clearer picture of what you truly want to do. You might also fill in some blanks of other items that would need to be done in order to achieve that bigger goal.

Don’t let this be another missed opportunity.

Finish what you started.

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