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Always a Learner

This is a phrase I have lived by my whole life. I am always a learner.

And I don’t think just because I was a teacher, but that it has always been true. I continually learn new things all the time! Remember when you were a teenager and you thought you knew everything? (Insert laughing crying emoji face here!) We didn’t know as much as we thought. And you may have thought that getting older was boring because you would already know everything you needed to, but that is certainly not the case.

It makes me think of those memes that start with “I was this many years when I learned/realized…”. And sometimes it just blows your mind that you never knew the thing! Or you read it and go, “um, yeah- it’s always been that way” because you learned it some time ago. But you learned it at some point in your life.

We learn in so many ways, but I think the most effective way is through our failures. When you fail at something you learn a way of not doing something. We don’t want to fail again, so we move on to try another way. Like the lightbulb filament Edison tried to make over two thousand times before he made it work.

I love that line in National Treasure about this story, “you only need to find one way to make it work”. That is how we learn!

If you’re smart, you’ll also try to learn from other’s mistakes so you don’t repeat the same failure, but as stubborn humans, we don’t do this very well. We learn best from our own mistakes.

Life is interesting because we are constantly learning. We will never know it all. That means we have numerous amounts of time and opportunity to learn and grow. I think it the most exciting thing about us as humans- we can always learn and grow! We can always change and for the better. It is this that can breed hope and an excitement for the future.

Remember, you will always have something new around the corner. There is always something new to learn.

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