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7 Days of Gratitude

I think we all find gratefulness in the big things. Answers to prayers we tearfully asked for, getting that job promotion we had hoped for, getting that dream home (especially in today’s market!). We recognize the things that took time to arrive at, but I think we also tend to miss the smaller things that make up our lives.

Finding gratefulness daily for what made you smile, who gave you a hug, or just getting through a tough day are essential to realizing what a full life we truly have. If we find gratitude in these smaller things, we wouldn’t have to live as if we are missing out. When we realize how much we already have, we also realize we don’t have as many “needs”, but rather “wants”. Some wants may even seem petty compared to what you have. You may realize you don’t even want all the things you used to because you are happy with what you have.

It can be hard to find things to be grateful for when you first start looking. That’s natural because we haven’t been paying attention. It takes time to get into the habit and practice of being grateful. The one thing I have found to make it easier for me is to journal it. Have at least 10 things you are grateful for in your journal each day for at least 7 days. Those first ten will take you time, but as you go through the week, you will find that you are recognizing things during the day to add to your journal at the end. It will become easier the more often you do it.

So, I challenge you to try a 7-day gratitude journal. I am sharing a free gratitude journaling page you can use to help you too! Let me know how it goes and share your experience with gratefulness.

7 Days of Gratitude journal:

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