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What We Take for Granted

I know I don't get up everyday and thinking how grateful I am that I woke up. It isn't always the first thought in my mind to acknowledge that I have been given a new day. Life gets in the way of appreciating the opportunity to live it. As Thanksgiving nears, let's take a pause and think about how big it is that we wake up each day.

And that this new day is a day of opportunity. There may be plans on the horizon that you are going to take advantage of, but there will also be unexpected opportunities that knock on the door. We should be open to what shows up, even when it shows up in unexpected ways.

"Life gets in the way of appreciating the opportunity to live it."

I think I have gotten very blasé about life recently. I have not approached each day as something new and fresh, but rather routine and boring. Have you ever felt that way about life? When I do and I recognize the pattern, it makes me think of comfort zones. I have grown comfortable where I am. Too comfortable if I do not find challenge in life, not having something to look forward to, not having major life goals to achieve. It means I have taken for granted what I have and I am no longer pushing myself forward, not growing as a person.

We are meant to grow and learn. We are meant to refine who we are as we become the person we were created to be. When we get comfortable in our situations and don't look for those opportunities or choose not to take actions to grow, we become stagnant and quite frankly, bored. We begin to worry more about staying in a safe space than having the courage to step out. And we take living for granted because staying in one place isn't truly living.

Now I am not saying this means you have to move, change careers, or go over the top with huge life changes. What I am saying is acknowledge the day you have been given. Seek out and pay attention to opportunities presented to you each day. And say yes to one here and there to move you forward as a person. Use this season of thanksgiving to prepare your hearts for growth and seeking opportunities. Keep a heart of thanksgiving for the life you have been given each and every day.

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