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Stay the Course

Now that you have made the decision and you know what your opportunity costs are, you need to stay the course. This is where it gets tough. This is where you second guess yourself and every decision you make.

Now I am not going to sugarcoat it- not everything about your decision will be an immediate success. The good stuff takes time and growing pains. You will make mistakes. You may have to backpedal and redo something. this decision may not look how you imagined. But stick with it. You will have to overcome hardship to achieve anything great.

The only caveat I would offer is if your decision takes such a radical turn that you fear for your safety or health, please acknowledge the failure and walk away.

But it will be tough and you will want to quit. The enemy will throw everything he can at you when you are going in the right direction. There will be roadblocks and failures. There will be mountains and walls that you must climb. But what you wanted is on the other side. Dig deep and crawl over those roadblocks; climb those mountains. Your dreams are on the other side.

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