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Because God is constant, consistent, eternal and never-changing, Truth, real truth, is crystal clear- it's colors are bold and crisp. These hazy shades, the areas of gray we see are the influence, the work of Satan.

"Satan is really good at making gray areas."

And it's hard to acknowledge that something other than God is trying to influence your mind and your thoughts. It's hard to understand this spiritual realm that we cannot see, but exists all around us. It's hard to remember that we are the battleground being fought over.

I truly couldn't understand the concept and the depth of this battle over our thoughts until I read C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters. How eye opening that was for me! The thread of thoughts that were misdirections was something I identified almost immediately while reading. And as I read, I discovered all the situations where in my life I was influenced to move along paths, make choices, convince myself to do things because of Satan's influence. And he is good at it. The way he works is not usually obvious- it's so subtle and often close enough to the truth to make you believe it is the truth.

Because what do we know about lies? As any good spy movie will tell you, staying as close to the truth as possible is the most believable.

But once you accept a non-truth, it becomes easier to be led further astray until you are completely lost. And yet believe you still stand in truth. (Think about a time the you believed something so firmly that even evidence couldn't dissuade you.)

So where do we go from here? How do we get back to the Ultimate Truth? How do we get back to God?


When we continually seek Him, He will not only draw you near to Himself, but can and will shed light on those non-truths, on those lies you may have believed. Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for us to have a relationship with God and to see real truth in technicolor.

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