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Making the Decision

When you are presented with opportunities that you need to choose from, making the decision can feel like a lot of pressure. There are strategies that can help you with this. As this month's YouTube video discusses, a pros/con list can be very helpful. Whatever the strategy you use though, you do need to make a decision.

A pros/cons list helps you to visually see what is good and not so good about making a decision. For this, you need to be vulnerable with yourself, meaning be honest. Don't try to convince yourself to only out pros on the list for the opportunity that most appeals to you. And vice versa- don't put mostly cons on the one that does not appeal to you.

Be honest about what those pros and cons could look like. If you are leaning towards one choice because it sounds really good, you may be biased in making the decision based on emotion and not because it truly is the best decision. Now, if it really is the best choice- great! Just make sure you make that decision based on honest facts and not how you "feel" in the moment.

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