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No ifs, ands, or buts

I want to go, but…

I am so tired.

I have so much to do.

it probably won’t be as fun as I was thinking.

I want to do that, but…

I don’t think I can do it.

it would be so embarrassing.

I don’t have the money (time, health, etc.) right now.

Which one of these excuses have you used in the past to keep you from doing something you initially wanted to do? There are reasons to change your mind, but if you are always finding excuses, you will never do anything. The more you don’t do things, the easier it becomes to just continue to do nothing. Like Newton’s first law, an object at rest will stay at rest.

I have used these excuses myself before and oftentimes, I have regretted missing out on something I would have really enjoyed. I have let my feelings in the moment, dictate my life. And that is not a great way to live. You miss out on some much when you let feelings run your life. Feelings are fickle and easily swayed.

I find motivation in a lot ways to try and turn around my attitude to doing things or going places. First, I recognize my own excuses. I know that when I say those things I am looking for an excuse. I need to acknowledge it for what it is and determine if it is a valid reason or just an excuse I need to get over.

Secondly, music is so important to turning around my feelings when I need to shift. I make playlists like nobody’s business and I am always refining them to my current season. I have a “fun” list, a “workout” list, and even a “bada**” list when I really want to pump myself up. I have worships lists and just lists that I randomly made for a day. Music can be a great way to connect to the right attitude you want to actually have that day.

Third, I take baby steps. Going out or doing something I am not “feeling” at the moment can seem like a monumental task. So, I just break it down. “Just put on your contacts. That’s easy.” And then, “you don’t have to do full makeup, just slap a little something on”. I talk myself through less daunting pieces of getting ready so I don’t have an excuse not to go when it’s time to leave. I don’t have an excuse to not do the thing because I am ready now and what a waste of effort to just not do it.

And fourth, I use future self thoughts. I think of what I could be missing by not doing the thing now. How will I feel if I miss this opportunity? What-if statements can help you see your future self’s thoughts on the matter and how you might just be kicking yourself later. So stop letting you talk yourself out of opportunity with excuses. Turn it around and you may just have an experience you will never forget.

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