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Life on Purpose

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

Every life has purpose. God created you with purpose. During this season of celebration, we praise the birth of Jesus. As believers, He is the one we want to reflect. And His life had great purpose (well, the greatest purpose of all). We are not just celebrating the birth of our Savior at Christmas, but we are celebrating what He came to do and ultimately did do for us. We celebrate the fulfillment of His purpose.

So in this we should also be reflecting Jesus; living up to the purpose God has for each of us. And your purpose is unique to you, just as the fingerprints you have. While it could be similar to others, no one's life is exactly the same and no one's purpose is either. So as we think about Jesus this season, let us also either seek out the purpose we have, or remember the purpose God as laid out for you. Start making plans to pursue what God has called you to in the new year.

Not sure where to start?

Pray first.

Jumping ahead of God and just deciding your purpose is counterproductive. He was the one who created you and He is the one who has great plans for you. Plans you couldn't even fathom on your own. Plans that are better for you than you could have for yourself. So sit down and pray first. Ask God for your next steps. Ask for Him to shine a light on where He is taking you.

Then make some plans.

Once you know your direction, go ahead and make plans. Just hold those plans in a loose grip. Don't expect everything to go exactly how you planned. You will come up against opposition. The enemy does not want you fulfilling God's plans for your life. Be able to roll the with the punches and readjust your plans as you need to (and praying here again for guidance if you aren't sure how to readjust).

Continually seek God.

God doesn't work linearly. He doesn't just take us from point A to point B. And there are reasons for that. He is working good things into you and refining you into becoming who He created you to be all along. God will still get you where He wants you to go. You are building deeper trust in Him when you follow His ways and His path for your life. So keep praying, keep reading the Bible, and keep seeking God at every turn.

This is how you do life on purpose. By living the life God planned for you. Let's make this our focal point for the new year.

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