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How Do You Meditate?

The word mediation can have many preconceived notions. I think mediation can be a lot of things to a lot of different people based on their beliefs. For me, meditation usually sits in two forms: prayer and reflection. And even though these two terms may feel to have a clearer picture of what you are doing, how we go about doing that may be different as well.

First, I want to say whatever your "mediation" forms may be, I encourage you to do them consistently. Meditation is a way to sort out the thoughts in your head, some may be ones you have been struggling with consciously while others, unconsciously. It is meant to bring peace and clarity to you. For instance, reflection provides me with better ways to respond to situations I may have been taken aback in earlier that day or week and felt ill-suited to respond appropriately. How often have you reacted instead of intentionally responded? I have done it many times (and of course will continue to do so in situations I am unprepared for). But the more we reflect on the scenario, the situation, we can better be prepared for similar instances in the future with a more thoughtful response. It gives me clarity for eventual situations I will come across.

Second, I want to emphasize that my way of prayer and reflection may look very different from another's. The way each person meditates should reflect the purpose and person doing the meditation. For me, that looks like sitting on the floor with all distractions turned off and away from me. I usually keep my Bible, a journal, and my phone with me. I find it easier to focus when I have music on so I will play music from my phone as I clear my head of all thoughts. I will write down ideas and anything that pops into my mind to keep it flowing. I don't want to get hung up on things that need to be done, so if it comes to mind, I write that down too and move on.

You will want to consider this question before you meditate: what is the purpose and what has to be done? Everything about it is up to you. Create your own style. Don't feel pressure to do what others tell you it must be. The way you concentrate or focus looks different from others. The way ideas flow to you and you sort out information isn't the same as the neighbor next door. Find how you best connect and productively meditate. Try different things until you find a way that works for you. And you may have to change it up again. I know there are times music can actually distract me more than help me focus. You will learn to identify a lot about yourself as you find what ways work best for you.

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