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Different Opinions

It seems like many people have begun to make a lot of assumptions. One of the biggest ones that raises a red flag for me is this: if you have a different opinion, you are just wrong and we cannot get along. There is a lot of anger against those that don't hold the same opinion.

And it's just wrong.

Now granted, I do believe in one Truth. My whole foundation is built on that Truth. But part of my beliefs is that God gave each of us free will. And you have as much of a right to choose what you believe with your free will as I do. And we can disagree on those beliefs. But different opinions does not have to mean discord. If we can respect the rights of others to their own beliefs, we can live peaceably. And we must be prepared that our choices (sometimes beliefs) aren't always right either.

Even though someone may have the same foundational belief I do, we may interpret the Bible differently. I have to be open to learning and growing in my faith. I don't know everything about God and as I move deeper into relationship with Him, I find some inconsistencies in my current or previous beliefs. We have to acknowledge that we don't know it all. Respecting others to have their own beliefs as we want them to respect ours is the key to keeping a positive environment and not being just so angry all the time.

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