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Two Steps Back

The holidays are a time for reflection. We look back on the past year to find accomplishments, celebrations, and victories. We also reflect on the things we missed, lost, and had broken. Last month I spoke about moving two steps forward to our goals, but before we can finalize goals, we must take those two steps back and use our hindsight to review, reflect, and revise our game plans.

So for this post, I want to ask some questions for you to ponder. Questions to prepare your mind for the new year by wrapping up the emotions of this one.

What did you get right this year? (What achievement are you most proud of?)

How did you reach that success?

What was a goal or project that didn’t go so well?

Why did it fail?

I know it’s hard to admit failures. In teaching, we are always reminding students that failure isn’t truly that until you give up. We learn the most when we mess up. And while it can often seem like it’s the end of something, experience tells us, there is always another chance. Another opportunity.

So what feels like it could be the end of something?

If you had another opportunity, what would you do differently?

Knowing these things prepares you to get it right when that opportunity comes calling. Please don’t think I am saying you will get the same chance for the exact same thing. What I am saying is if it is truly right for you, it will come back around- it just may look different than we expected.

And if you believe in a sovereign God, know that He will bring you to where you are meant to be. No matter how many times we stray from the path He has for us, He will lead us to the good things He has planned.

So now let’s look towards this new year- this new decade! What a chance to start something over. What a time to begin again. Take baby steps if you must, but move in a forward direction.

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