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Pivot for Change

You have made it to December. You have just completed the most grueling semester of teaching we have ever come across in our lifetime. Pause. Celebrate that first. Celebrate the hard work, the growth you've made, the relationships you have built with students. Celebrate. It. All.

As we move into the holidays and a chance to unwind and reflect, let's begin to refine our ideas for next semester. I am not saying spend all your time focused on what's next in terms of work (it is the holiday season and everyone needs some down time). What I am saying is ruminate. Let that slow boil on the back burner so when you come back, you have some solid ideas to really put into place.

And what are these ideas?

Simply put, what changes do you need to make for this semester?

Reflecting in what worked and didn't work, what kind of worked but could be better with some adjustments; those are places to think through how to pivot for the new year. You might even have a larger pivot than just making adjustments. Many schools have put off in-person teaching until this upcoming semester. That means asking a whole slew of other questions.

Usually when we come back from break, it only takes a brief review of class expectations to get back in the groove. But if your class hasn't been in a classroom yet, you have to think how to shift to this setting and quickly. Consider what you can take away from any scenario you were in and see how it may fit into this new scheme of things. Anything you can bring back that is familiar will help you and your students not feel like you are starting all over.

No matter the situation you find yourself in, think how you can use the rest of this year to try new things and change the face of learning. How refreshing it would be! You don't have to wait to be told, be the voice that speaks for those changes. Let's make this school year count in ways no one thought about.

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