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Building Trust

The first episode of my latest series, Trust fall, is all about building trust. I planned this series back in late 2019. I recorded and edited the episodes during the pandemic. And while I think the series is beneficial for all teachers and touches on a lot of what most educators are concerned with at the moment, it didn’t take into account those who had to do these things through a virtual platform. So, I want my blog posts this school year to relate to how you can adapt the ideas and tips shared in the videos to the virtual world.

This first episode relates to any teacher, no matter the platform or format you are teaching in, so be sure to check it first before reading through:

We work hard as educators to build trust with our students and I think we need to not reinvent the wheel in how we do that in a virtual setting. It is more about adjusting what we already do to a different format or amplify certain pieces more.

As I share in the video, one of the two big things we do to maintain a firm foundation of trust is to give as well as ask. While we may ask a lot of our students, we also need to give to them to maintain a balance. This could include praise, a conversation, or any number of things. And since we are in such uncertain times, and students may feel like we are asking more of them due to the format in which it is done, we should probably adopt the three-to-one rule. Give three before asking for one. By giving more than you are receiving, students will feel that you care about them and are not just asking for everything but the kitchen sink.

As we continue to navigate these uncharted waters, know you are not alone. You can find supports in many places- your school or district, your teammates, family and friends, and even on social media. If you are looking for ideas and/or support from social media, I highly recommend either Instagram or Twitter. Both have some amazing resources and educators like yourself seeking out new ideas and connections.

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