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Considering Blended Learning

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

As you come back to the classroom, let’s consider taking what we learned during the closing to heart. The rush to move to distance learning with no plans or curriculum online, made for hasty work and lots of stress. But what if (God forbid) something like this happens again?

Using blended learning might be a possible solution for you to consider. If you haven’t heard of blended learning, it is a blend of instruction both online and in person teaching. You aren’t giving up your class to computers, but you are using it to assist instruction on a consistent basis. I personally used the online component to teach vocabulary and facts students needed to know in order to learn larger, more abstract, concepts with me.

So why think about blended learning for your classroom?

It would be of benefit if students could practice using virtual learning tools in case they have to again in the future. It would also establish good habits for using virtual learning with the teacher available to assist while they learn how to use it. Practice makes it easier. Student would not only know how to log in or access their instruction already, but they will know how to work more independently.

Using blended learning also assists the teacher in already having practice with virtual learning. You would have worked out most of the kinks. And you would have already spent the time to create quality content in an online platform so you are not rushed to make plans and find content at the last minute. Students will already have components of work to do while you have time to fill in the components you had planned for classroom instruction.

Want a more in-depth look at blended learning? Check out Student Centered World's article:

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