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Relationships are so important. But how do you build those between student and teacher? There are usually two types of teacher approaches to relationships with students. Either they are authoritative or the buddy. Authoritative teachers, in my mind, are those that are very strict. There is no flexibility in discipline (and usually in instruction too). The buddy teacher is the one who is buddies with the kids- not as an adult to kid level, but "we are on the same level". As the teacher, it is important to still be the adult in the room. There are times when authority needs to be established and buddy teachers usually don't do this.

While some people are just these kinds of teachers, and more power to you, what I believe is the best is to be something in-between these two extremes: to have established authority and deep relationships with students.

What does that look like? How do you go about creating that kind of classroom, that kind of relationship?

Classroom. Management.

Classroom management is the root of a successful learning environment. If a student doesn't feel safe, they cannot focus on learning. Boundaries provide a safe space for kids to experiment and even fail. And that is what classroom management truly does- provide boundaries for students.

I have many ideas on how classroom management can be done, but here are my main ideas:

1. Established rules that promote respect of others and property

2. Consistency

3. Tailor consequence and reward

4. One on one conversations are a must

5. Highlight positive behaviors in both individuals and the class

6. Routines are essential

7. We are all learning together

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