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Updated: Nov 8, 2018

“With but few exceptions, it is always the underdog who wins through sheer will power.”

- Johnny Weissmuller

I used to love watching cartoons when I was a little girl. There is a favorite picture of mine of me sitting on my uncle’s lap watching them. I was about 3 or 4 at the time and my Grandaddy would tease me by mixing up the names and making them sound silly. We watched Adam Ant and Bugs Bunny. I also watched Underdog, the lovable shoe shine boy who turns into a superhero. These were some of my earliest stories.

I grew up loving underdogs. I think we all have.

A classic example is the movie, Rudy, based on a true story. This guy never gives up, doesn’t quit, no matter how many times he is told no, that he can’t. But he gets to play that one game for Notre Dame. With the crowd on their feet, cheering, chanting his name and his parents there, for his dad to see this dream come true. It brings tears to my eyes just writing about it.

We all root for the underdogs. It’s why we love movies, stories and sports where they win. Underdog stories are God’s specialty.

Looking throughout the Bible, you can see these stories unfold: David and Goliath, Jonah and the whale, Noah and the flood, Samson and his hair. Over and over these people came face to face with insurmountable odds. But they succeeded. Not by their own strength, but through God.

In Philippians 4:13, Paul says, “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Even when we ourselves feel like the underdog, He is with us. He will strengthen you. How many times did you think you couldn’t do something, that you weren’t strong enough? And how many times were you stronger than you thought? That happens to me all the time. I underestimate what I can do all. the. time. But I keep forgetting my strength isn’t my own, but Christ’s. I have to remind myself of that and it’s why those are my underdog stories. Because I can’t do it alone.

I think what is so moving about underdogs is that they usually are left with nothing to lose. They are already at the end of their rope and they take the leap. Leaps of faith can be scary and we love to watch stories of people being brave enough to take that leap and succeed. It gives us hope that we may be able to do it too!

“When you fear, when you fail, when you feel you’re gonna fall, follow you heart and always believe in the underdog.”

- Aaron Watson, “The Underdog”

Questions and Challenges:

- Think of a time when you were able to do something you thought you couldn't. Looking back, do you see God's hand in events?

- Share with someone trustworthy a story of God's strength in you life. Or if you feel comfortable, share with someone you don't know as well.

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