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Updated: Jan 1, 2019

“If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme.”

- Jiminy Cricket, When You Wish Upon A Star

When I saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, I completed related to the main character. Here is this guy doing a job he was comfortable with and yet daydreams about these fantastical people he wants to be and lives he wants to live. I daydream a lot too, Walter Mitty. In the film, he ends up taking a leap and finds himself on an adventure of self-discovery. I connect with that every time I watch that movie.

When I was a child (about 5 years old), I wanted to be three things when I grew up: a business woman, a teacher, and a movie director. Very random and disconnected careers. But I have many passions and a very different skill set that doesn’t all marry with the each other. I think I instinctively knew I wouldn’t and couldn’t be just one thing. What I didn’t realize until recently was that I am on my way to accomplishing those three dreams.

I have a degree in both business and education. I have worked in both arenas. But I still keep coming back to my love of films and creating visual stories. It’s something I didn’t do anything with for many years. I had put it on a shelf. But when I daydreamed, that’s what I imagined for myself- working in film. And I finally did something about it. I started a series of videos on Youtube for teaching and learning. It was supposed to be a starting point of shifting my work into this love of film that I have. It has been a slow process. I am no where near where I want to be, but I keep moving forward.

This series came out of my brainstorming ideas for short film projects. The idea was too large for a short five minute video so I turned my attention to writing down my thoughts. I still went out and shot b-roll and pictures to practice with my camera. I still worked on editing film I already had and wrapping up videos that I had already begun. I am not sure why God has inspired me to write. I am the one who writes the least amount possible. I tell it like it is in the shortest way I can. And I don’t know why He would put this in my lap at a time that I was just getting on a roll with my other film ideas. But it turned out that as I began writing the series, it also became a script for a set of videos: 12 videos to be exact. It has become an ambitious project!

But I was not going to say no. Whatever the purpose, I will follow. Even when this idea will take months to complete, I want to trust in Him. God has bigger plans for us than we can imagine. But we have to take leaps and trust Him to catch us, to guide us. Those big dreams you have always had, the ones that never truly went away, are a part of you. It might be a career to pursue or a hobby you need to begin. It is something that gives you a sense of purpose, a feeling of completion.

God can use anything we do for His purposes and those dreams you have are a part of what makes you unique, the way God designed you personally.

And because He can use anything you do, don’t be shy in asking for great things. We often think we can’t pray for things that feel impossible or unrealistic. But God wants to work in the impossible and show that unrealistic is in our minds. This is again an opportunity where we can only point to Him as the reason behind our fruitfulness. You do not surprise God with your requests. He already knows what you need and will ask for before you even realize it yourself. When we don’t ask for what is in our heart, we limit what we think God is capable of and honestly, we are not speaking to the fact that God is capable of anything.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Ephesians 2:10

In advance! He already prepared your path for you. I would remind you at this point that while God will provide a way, it is up to you to get there. Hard work is going to be required. Perseverance will be needed. But God is on your side and really what else do you need?

“It is never to late to be what you might have been.”

- George Eliot

Questions and Challenges:

- What is something that has always been on your heart? Or just keeps coming back to you?

- What steps can you take this week to be or do that something? List them out and go do them!

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